Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Blessing of Home Affairs

The Blessing of Home Affairs
by: HM. Anam Khoiril(Chairman of the PC LDNU Jombang)

الحمد لله الذى وفق عباده المؤمنين لاداء الاعمال الصالحات. اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له شهادة ارجو بها رفيع الدرجات. واشهد ان سيد نا محمدا عبده ورسوله صاحب المعجزات. اللهم صل وسلم على سيد نا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه اولى الفضائل والكرامات.اما بعد, فيا ايها المسلمون رحمكم الله. اتقوا الله بامتثال المأمورات واجتناب المنهيات. واتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن الا وانتم مسلمون. واتقوا يوما ترجعون فيه الى الله ثم توفى كل نفس ما كسبت وهم لا يظلمون.
Attendees jama'ah Gomaa rahimakumullahLet us unceasingly to continually improve the quality of our devotion to God Almighty, who is none other than to carry out all His commands and leave all of his ban, because the man's takwallah will gain happiness and glory of the intrinsic and the high degree of SWT.Hadirin Allah the exalted God congregation GomaaAnyone would realize a society or country longed for a blessing, that the country is safe, comfortable, quiet and rizkinya abundant.Of that dream would not be realized without any real action. How can anyone be a doctor if he had never in medical school and how likely people will judge that never was educated in the law.People become doctors or judges are not suddenly, but must pass through a process. So it is with this country, will not be safe, comfortable, quiet, prosperous and abundant rizkinya suddenly, but must pass through a process. The process was none other than that these people have to actually implement the concept of taqwa, whenever and wherever they are, as the word of Allah in the Qur'an
ولو أن أهل القرى ءامنوا واتقوا لفتحنا عليهم بركات من السماء والأرض ولكن كذبوا فأخذناهم بما كانوا يكسبون (96 الأعراف
If it be the people of the faithful and devoted country, surely we would delegate to them blessings from the heavens and the earth, but they rejected our revelations, we torture them for their own actions (Surah Al-A'raf 97)
Attendees jama'ah Gomaa rahimakumullahIf the condition of the country, is actually very memprehatinkan, rampant immorality and munkar happen everywhere. This is an indication that the country is not maximized in implementing the concept of taqwa. And apparently it's getting old vices semaki increased not decreased. If this is not immediately terminated, then the blessing of God shed in this country to become a fertile country prosperous Gemah Ripah jinawi feared to be revoked and reversed into the devastated country as his word in Al-Quran

وضرب الله مثلا قرية كانت امنة مطمئنة يأتيها رزقها رغدا منكلش مكان فكفرت بانعم الله فاذاقها الله لباس الجوع والخوف بما كانوا يصنعون (112 النحل
And Allah has made a parable of a country which used to be safe, peaceful, abundant rizkinya dating from every place, but because people deny the favors of Allah, the god of famine and fear felt for their own tantrum behavior (Surat an-Nahl: 112)
Attendees jama'ah Gomaa rahimakumullahResidents who deny the favors of Allah is the people who will not grateful. Because the name is not being grateful just to say Alhamdulillah, but also must be realized in the form of a real act of charity, which is nothing but the commandments of God and left his prohibitions. Thus those who braved the ban and continue to do God's disobedience was tantamount to mengkufuri or deny the favors of Allah.
Therefore, for this country safe from the threat of disaster and a land of blessing, we should start from ourselves first and our own family as the word of God
يا ايها الذين امنوا قوا انفسكم واهليكم نارا وقودها الناس والحجارة عليها ملائكة غلاظ شداد لا يعصون الله ما امرهم ويفعلون ما يؤمرون (التحريم 6
O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from hell that fuel is men and stones, guardian angels are rough, tough not disobey Allah in what was ruled to them and always do what is ordered ( QS. At-Tahrim 6)
Attendees jama'ah Gomaa rahimakumullahHow God has provided a step-angkah practical how to the public good and blessed land, which starts from self and family, because only these two elements is a fundamental pillar of society and state. If each of us as citizens to keep themselves and their families from acts which by itself is also misleading the country will form a blessing. Kalu but each of us and a family full of sins and disobedience tebentuk country it will be vulnerable, like a full body with a loathsome disease and dirt, then it would not be productive even can not expect kindness.
Attendees jama'ah Gomaa rahimakumullahFurther Qoyyim Imam Ibn Al-Jauziyah mention about the dangers of human sin committed by them are:A. Sin will weaken kegagunggan awareness of God in the heart.This means that people who often do not sin would mean it glorifies God, legs feel heavy to go to the mosque, the body feels it is difficult to get up at dawn to dawn prayers, the ears are no longer listen to the verses of the Qur'an, eventually over time the liver becomes hard as a rock even harder as the word of God
ثم قست قلوبكم من بعد ذلك فهي كالحجارة أو أشد قسوة وإن من الحجارة لما يتفجر منه الانهار وإن منها لما يشقق فيخرج منه الماء وإن منها لما يهبط من خشية الله وما الله بغافل عما تعملون (البقرة 74)
Thenceforth were your hearts hardened like a stone, even harder.And in between the stones have rivers flowing from it, and there was a split antranya then springs forth from him, and among them there was a falling out of fear of Allah, and Allah is not unaware of what ye do. (Surah Al-Baqarah 74)
2. Sin will eliminate the spirit of jealousy. People who often do dosatidak be sensitive when you see people sinning, he was not offended by the nakedness wife seen by many people, even he was deliberately allowed to show his private parts in front of people. He was not offended by her sinning in his sight, his son who often stoned, drunk not warned to let it alone.3. Sin makes people have no shame. The shame is what distinguishes between man and beast. Kalu shame it was not present in humans, it is like an animal who wants to do things without considering whether it is haram or not, there is no benefit pa. Consequently do not feel guilty when doing fraud, has no sense of compassion and pity when a persecution, not to feel guilty when you do something that harms others and no longer embarrassed when committing adultery but rather proud and shown to others. People who like this is far from kemanusiaandan society full of shades of cruelty, tyranny and brutality.4. Sin makes people semain away from the charity that is the attitude in which a person leaves a sin. Of awareness of this charity will actually keep him from breaking the rules of Allah. In a hadith, the Prophet declared
الاحسان ان تعبد الله كانك تراه فان لم تكن تراه فانه يراك
Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see God, and if you can not see God then God sees you.
Armed with this charity will not be easy person committing a sin, because every time you do the immoral always remember that what leh seen God, as well as perform tasks in environments that kewajibanapa work, teach, serve the community or the other, will certainly do with all my heart and my best, because what is done seen by God and be held accountable for his actions later in the hereafter. If people are accustomed to sin, he has destroyed automatically ihsannya consciousness. Loss of consciousness is a disaster for human charity. When a society composed of individuals who have no awareness of charity, it is not impossible that society will always be haunted by various acts of tyranny and away the human values ​​that noble.5. Favors eliminating sin and replace it with a disaster. God always tells us that the peoples diadzabnya earlier is because they always sin, as his word
فكلا أخذنا بذنبه فمنهم من أرسلنا عليه حاصبا ومنهم من أخذته الصيحة ومنهم من خسفنا به الأرض ومنهم من أغرقنا وما كان الله ليظلمهم ولكن كانوا أنفسهم يظلمون (العنكبوت 40)
Then each of them was our due punishment of his sin, then among them there is that we hail him keriki inflicted, there is a voice that thundered overwritten, there we sank into the earth, we have drowned and Allah is not but they will persecute them that persecute themselves (Surat al-Ankabut 40)
ان احسن الكلام كلام الله الملك العلام, والله سبحانه وتعالى يقول, وبقوله يهتدى المهتدون.واذا قرء القرأن فاستمعوا له وانصتوا لعلكم ترحمون. اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. يا ايها الذين امنوا قوا انفسكم واهليكم نارا وقودها الناس والحجارة عليها ملائكة غلاظ شداد لا يعصون الله ما امرهم ويفعلون ما يؤمرون.بارك الله لى ولكم فى القرأن العظيم ونفعنى واياكم بما فيه من الايات والذكر الحكيم وتقبل منى ومنكم تلاوته انه هو السميع العليم واستغفروه انه هو الغفور الرحيم
source: http://www.nu.or.id/page/id/dinamic_detil/9/35882/Khotbah/Negeri_Yang_Berkah.html

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