Imitate the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali RA matter of understanding the Rizqi (obtain favors from Allah SWT property)
الحمد لله الذى جعل شهر المحرم أول السنين والشهور, أحمده سبحانه وتعالى حمد عبد شكور, وأشهد أن لااله الاالله وحده لاشريك له شهادة تكون لنا ذخرا عند عزيز الغفور, وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله أرسله رحمة للعالمين. اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على عبدك ورسولك النبي الأمي سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وعلى جميع الانبياء والمرسلين واتبعهم اجمعين عدد ما بين السموات والأرضين - أما بعد
Gomaa Jama'ah RahimakumullahLife, death, marriage and Rizqi in the hands of Almighty God, human beings have sought the right of it. But any decision on his hands. Of the four things (life, death, marriage and Rizqi) humans are often more occupied with the Rizqi. Compared to the other three. It's known still enjoyed life, the air can still be sucked into the chest cavity and then removed again without having to buy.Death seemed to be far away, almost no one knows exactly when it will arrive. While the match live through.
That is why most people will feel sad if shunned Rizqi and feel happy when entertained by Rizqi. Many people are turned into a religious man when he was in distress. Diligent in prayer, worship, resignation and even a little diligent charity. But instead, when humans are in a concession, it will reduce the intimacy with the Almighty, and often forget the prayer that is often read when tribulation befall him. If the hard days of prayer become a necessity, then when the loose prayer become a nuisance. When the days are so hard to pray maghrib khusuknya, and when loose sesempatnya evening prayers. Naudzubillah min forbid. Seoah though and worldly possessions are everything.
Jama'ah who glorified GodThus we would need to review. Is it true that the world must always be pursued? Though the world is getting more and be chased away from us. When a house has, then he wanted to complete with a luxury car. When both have been matched, the human desire renovation. When the renovation was over the need to add more cars and so on.
As usual, the day that Ali bin Abi Talib came home the afternoon before the Asar. Fatimah bint Prophet welcomed the arrival of all-day search for her husband's fortune with joy. Who knows, Ali brings more money because of the greater needs at home.
Unwind after, Ali said to Fatimah. "Sorry dear, this time I did not bring any money." Fatimah said with a smile, "It's not a fortune set sitting on the market, is not it? Who has the power that is God Almighty." "Thanks," said Ali. His eyes become heavy because his wife was trust. Though the kitchen inventory is sold out at all.After all, Fatimah did not showed his disappointment or sadness.
Ali then went to the mosque to perform prayers in congregation.Coming home from prayer, in the way he was stopped by an old man. "Excuse me young man, thou true that Ali son of Abu Talib?"Ali replied surprised. "Yeah right. What is it, sir?''
The old man reached into his pocket as he replied, "Once I told your father never tanning. I have not had time to pay the fare, your father is dead. So, take this money, for you are his heirs." Ali gladly take the rights of that person as much as 30 dinars.
Fatimah very happy of course that does not obtain sustenance in the unexpected when Ali tell the story. And he had to spend it all in order not to bother anymore worrying everyday purposes.Ali was rushed off to the market. Before entering into the market, he saw a poor stretch out your hands, "Who would menghutangkan his property to God, bersedekahlah to me, a traveler who ran out of stock on the way." Without thinking big, Ali gave all his money to that person.
At the time he came home and saw her husband's surprise Fatimah did not bring anything, Ali explained the events that had just endured. Fatimah, still smiling, said, "The decision also kanda is that I would do if I have it. We menghutangkan Better than the treasures of God are griping that the murkai him, and closed the doors of heaven for us."Gomaa who glorified Allah Jama'ahFragment above indicates that the human as Rizqi recipient is required to understand the workings or Rizqi characteristics as a gift of God Almighty. He can come without being invited can also go without expulsion. Therefore we should not be too upset to think Rizqi, we try to work with a calm heart. Insyallah Rizqi that will see us. Work with passion, out of the house with a motor driven by tight berbalapan matahri sunrise, came home with matahri meet mutually set. It all could be more meaningful if we do ikhlasan heart and soul that God Almighty decree had set up our RizqiGod has many lessons in the provision of good luck. There is a God made rich with the many good luck and wealth. Some are made poorer. There is wisdom behind it all worthwhile. Allah Ta'ala says,
والله فضل بعضكم على بعض في الرزق
"And Allah has preferred you sebahagian than others in terms of sustenance." (Surat an-Nahl: 71)
In another verse mentioned,
إن ربك يبسط الرزق لمن يشاء ويقدر إنه كان بعباده خبيرا بصيرا
"Verily, your Lord enlarges the sustenance to whom He pleases and narrow it; Verily, He is knowing, All-saw will of His servants." (Surah Al Isro ': 30)
Elsewhere, Ibn Kathir explains the word of God,
ولو بسط الله الرزق لعباده لبغوا في الأرض ولكن ينزل بقدر ما يشاء إنه بعباده خبير بصير
"And if Allah enlarges the sustenance of His servants they would have to exceed the limits of the earth, but Allah revealed what He wills with size. Surely He knows (state) of His servants, Seer. "(Surat ash Syuraa: 27)
Rahimahullah He then explained, "If God is giving him good luck more than they need, they would exceed the limits, apply one and the other brash, arrogant and will act." Then Ibn Kathir explains again, "God give good luck to them according to his choice and God always see where a serious benefits to them. God certainly knows better what is best for them. It is Allah who gives wealth to those who deserve it He value. And it is Allah who provides for their indigence which he values deserve it. "In a hadith mentioned,
إن من عبادى من لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالغنى ولو أفقرته لكفر, وإن من عبادى من لا يصلح إيمانه إلا الفقر ولو أغنيته لكفر
"Verily among my servants, then became good faith if God gave him wealth. If God made him poor, he will kufr. And among my servants, then good faith if God gave her poverty. If God made him rich, he will Kufr ".So what we have received from Him in this life is nothing but a determination. The man is a liability ikhtiyar.
جعلنا الله واياكم من الفائزين الامنين, وأدخلناواياكم فى عباده الصالحين. أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. وإذ أخذنا ميثاق بني إسرائيل لا تعبدون إلا الله وبالوالدين إحسانا وذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين وقولوا للناس حسنا وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة ثم توليتم إلا قليلا منكم وأنتم معرضون.بارك الله لى ولكم فى القرآن العظيم, ونفعنى وإياكم بمافيه من آية وذكر الحكيم وتقبل الله منا ومنكم تلاوته وانه هوالسميع العليم, وأقول قولى هذا فاستغفر الله العظيم إنه هو الغفور الرحيم
الحمد لله الذى جعل شهر المحرم أول السنين والشهور, أحمده سبحانه وتعالى حمد عبد شكور, وأشهد أن لااله الاالله وحده لاشريك له شهادة تكون لنا ذخرا عند عزيز الغفور, وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله أرسله رحمة للعالمين. اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على عبدك ورسولك النبي الأمي سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وعلى جميع الانبياء والمرسلين واتبعهم اجمعين عدد ما بين السموات والأرضين - أما بعد
Gomaa Jama'ah RahimakumullahLife, death, marriage and Rizqi in the hands of Almighty God, human beings have sought the right of it. But any decision on his hands. Of the four things (life, death, marriage and Rizqi) humans are often more occupied with the Rizqi. Compared to the other three. It's known still enjoyed life, the air can still be sucked into the chest cavity and then removed again without having to buy.Death seemed to be far away, almost no one knows exactly when it will arrive. While the match live through.
That is why most people will feel sad if shunned Rizqi and feel happy when entertained by Rizqi. Many people are turned into a religious man when he was in distress. Diligent in prayer, worship, resignation and even a little diligent charity. But instead, when humans are in a concession, it will reduce the intimacy with the Almighty, and often forget the prayer that is often read when tribulation befall him. If the hard days of prayer become a necessity, then when the loose prayer become a nuisance. When the days are so hard to pray maghrib khusuknya, and when loose sesempatnya evening prayers. Naudzubillah min forbid. Seoah though and worldly possessions are everything.
Jama'ah who glorified GodThus we would need to review. Is it true that the world must always be pursued? Though the world is getting more and be chased away from us. When a house has, then he wanted to complete with a luxury car. When both have been matched, the human desire renovation. When the renovation was over the need to add more cars and so on.
As usual, the day that Ali bin Abi Talib came home the afternoon before the Asar. Fatimah bint Prophet welcomed the arrival of all-day search for her husband's fortune with joy. Who knows, Ali brings more money because of the greater needs at home.
Unwind after, Ali said to Fatimah. "Sorry dear, this time I did not bring any money." Fatimah said with a smile, "It's not a fortune set sitting on the market, is not it? Who has the power that is God Almighty." "Thanks," said Ali. His eyes become heavy because his wife was trust. Though the kitchen inventory is sold out at all.After all, Fatimah did not showed his disappointment or sadness.
Ali then went to the mosque to perform prayers in congregation.Coming home from prayer, in the way he was stopped by an old man. "Excuse me young man, thou true that Ali son of Abu Talib?"Ali replied surprised. "Yeah right. What is it, sir?''
The old man reached into his pocket as he replied, "Once I told your father never tanning. I have not had time to pay the fare, your father is dead. So, take this money, for you are his heirs." Ali gladly take the rights of that person as much as 30 dinars.
Fatimah very happy of course that does not obtain sustenance in the unexpected when Ali tell the story. And he had to spend it all in order not to bother anymore worrying everyday purposes.Ali was rushed off to the market. Before entering into the market, he saw a poor stretch out your hands, "Who would menghutangkan his property to God, bersedekahlah to me, a traveler who ran out of stock on the way." Without thinking big, Ali gave all his money to that person.
At the time he came home and saw her husband's surprise Fatimah did not bring anything, Ali explained the events that had just endured. Fatimah, still smiling, said, "The decision also kanda is that I would do if I have it. We menghutangkan Better than the treasures of God are griping that the murkai him, and closed the doors of heaven for us."Gomaa who glorified Allah Jama'ahFragment above indicates that the human as Rizqi recipient is required to understand the workings or Rizqi characteristics as a gift of God Almighty. He can come without being invited can also go without expulsion. Therefore we should not be too upset to think Rizqi, we try to work with a calm heart. Insyallah Rizqi that will see us. Work with passion, out of the house with a motor driven by tight berbalapan matahri sunrise, came home with matahri meet mutually set. It all could be more meaningful if we do ikhlasan heart and soul that God Almighty decree had set up our RizqiGod has many lessons in the provision of good luck. There is a God made rich with the many good luck and wealth. Some are made poorer. There is wisdom behind it all worthwhile. Allah Ta'ala says,
والله فضل بعضكم على بعض في الرزق
"And Allah has preferred you sebahagian than others in terms of sustenance." (Surat an-Nahl: 71)
In another verse mentioned,
إن ربك يبسط الرزق لمن يشاء ويقدر إنه كان بعباده خبيرا بصيرا
"Verily, your Lord enlarges the sustenance to whom He pleases and narrow it; Verily, He is knowing, All-saw will of His servants." (Surah Al Isro ': 30)
Elsewhere, Ibn Kathir explains the word of God,
ولو بسط الله الرزق لعباده لبغوا في الأرض ولكن ينزل بقدر ما يشاء إنه بعباده خبير بصير
"And if Allah enlarges the sustenance of His servants they would have to exceed the limits of the earth, but Allah revealed what He wills with size. Surely He knows (state) of His servants, Seer. "(Surat ash Syuraa: 27)
Rahimahullah He then explained, "If God is giving him good luck more than they need, they would exceed the limits, apply one and the other brash, arrogant and will act." Then Ibn Kathir explains again, "God give good luck to them according to his choice and God always see where a serious benefits to them. God certainly knows better what is best for them. It is Allah who gives wealth to those who deserve it He value. And it is Allah who provides for their indigence which he values deserve it. "In a hadith mentioned,
إن من عبادى من لا يصلح إيمانه إلا بالغنى ولو أفقرته لكفر, وإن من عبادى من لا يصلح إيمانه إلا الفقر ولو أغنيته لكفر
"Verily among my servants, then became good faith if God gave him wealth. If God made him poor, he will kufr. And among my servants, then good faith if God gave her poverty. If God made him rich, he will Kufr ".So what we have received from Him in this life is nothing but a determination. The man is a liability ikhtiyar.
جعلنا الله واياكم من الفائزين الامنين, وأدخلناواياكم فى عباده الصالحين. أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. وإذ أخذنا ميثاق بني إسرائيل لا تعبدون إلا الله وبالوالدين إحسانا وذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين وقولوا للناس حسنا وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة ثم توليتم إلا قليلا منكم وأنتم معرضون.بارك الله لى ولكم فى القرآن العظيم, ونفعنى وإياكم بمافيه من آية وذكر الحكيم وتقبل الله منا ومنكم تلاوته وانه هوالسميع العليم, وأقول قولى هذا فاستغفر الله العظيم إنه هو الغفور الرحيم
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