Monday, February 13, 2012

Let '' Bertawadhu'' Again

Let '' Bertawadhu'' Again

الحمد لله الذى من اعتصم بحبل رجاءه وفقه وهداه ومن لجأ اليه حفظه ووقاه, ومن تواضع له رفعه وحماه. أحمده سبحانه على ما اعطى من الإنعام وأولاه. واشكره على ماحوله بفضله واسداه. وأشهد أن لااله الاالله وحده لاشريك له شهادة من عرف الله بصفاته ولم يعامل أحدا سواه. وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله المبعوث الى خلقه بتوحيده وأوصاهم بتقواه. اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على عبدك ورسولك النبي الأمي سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه الذين تمسكون بهداه _ أما بعد
The audience was the congregation Gomaa RahimakumullahLet us increase our taqwa to Allah swt. The more often we evaluate ourselves better. Because then we will always feel guilty and always trying to fix it. amenAlhamdulillah on this happy day we are given the opportunity by God Almighty to gather with fellow bertaushiyah each other.Hopefully the meeting we are blessed by God as a blessing this majlis Gomaa.
Ayyuhal Hadirun RahimakumullahAmong some of the things that we often ignore is our understanding about the ethics of community. Often we forget all our self's, color and identity as Indonesian Muslims who live in the middle of a wide range of ethnic, racial, religious and regional languages. Although there are epistemological differences in word ethics, morals, mind, character and morality, but on this occasion all the words were interpreted by the preacher as a noble values ​​embodied in the act and interact with each other.There are many kinds of behavior that can be categorized in this Nili values ​​such as mutual cooperation, mutual respect, empathy (teposeliro), and also tawadhu '. Jama'ah Gomaa RahimakumullahOur ears have rarely mendengarsemua beautiful words. Said mutual help, mutual respect and teposeliro also tawadhu ', disappeared from the repertory as Indonesian. Instead the words were replaced by the term coordinated, dikomunisikan and others. This means a shift in values ​​in our society. Noble values ​​that were born and brought up by the tradition of the archipelago has lost competitiveness with the values ​​of temporality that serve the modernism and individualism. This is what the color gradually changed the face of our nation. This is exacerbated by television technology systems that keep the openness in the wag sesame and sesame discuss errors with reason civilizing criticism. Take a look at some good show that just tolk intertaintment or the political sound as if it no longer heed Siwak Siwak-ethics.Naudzubillah min forbid.
Jama'ah prayer of the blessed FridayTogether we will try to open up and clear the chest. What actually changes the background color of the face of our nation. What was once a very shy and penghormat. Now a liar and blasphemer. It seems really confident and considers himself to accuse others incompetent and wrong in the move, an acute disease that continues to be our nation hostage.Therefore on this occasion I have no right to teach as a preacher, but just bear in mind that these are all possible causes of our failure to tawadhu teachings' of the prophet peace be upon him.Tawadhu 'usually means with low self-esteem and not somobong.Tawadhu 'ethics is a very simple concept. The Prophet himself taught how bertawadhu 'with regards to start when the meet fellow friends, in a hadith mentioned

ويبدأ من لقيه بالسلام
The Prophet always welcome people who met him with a greeting.
Here, say hello to a keyword to train yourself to do tawadhu. Not just prayer contained in the formula, but how does one begin to communicate with each other and greet each other, that's all that matters. Especially living in a city like Jakarta. Mutual bersapa be a very expensive item. Let alone talk.
I might tell you, my friend who had just arrived in Jakarta was confused. How people can sit or stand side by side each other in front of a public transportation without spoken? It is impossible in regions and villages. Far from their peers, with people who have not dikenalpun will be greeted with a wide range of questions, where are you going sir? Down where? Find a home who? And so forth.
The Jama'ah is dirohmati GodTurned out to greet, say hello and good with small talk like the teachings of the Prophet footing can train people to be tawadhu '.Because they are usually not the kind spoken man proud. A hadith explains

البادئ بالسلام بارئ من الكبار
Who started rebuked by greeting, free from the overbearing nature or takabbur.
Even so tawadhu'nya higga been a Prophet when he refused to help people who want to bring him the bundle. By reason of the owner of the goods is more entitled to carry goods respectively.Rejection is not a reflection of pride, but humility is his Prophet.although he was a prophet, but prefer to carry yourself. Do so with our nation's leaders claimed? Surely not because they are no longer recognize tawadhu '. Kepalapun Janganka a package that can be performed by aides.Therefore, the prophet makes its own criteria as characteristic of them sitting together tawadhu poor. As a hadith that reads:

الجلوس مع الفقراء من التواضع
Sitting with poor people, including the hallmark of those who are humble (tawadhu) (Narrated by Ad-Dailami).
In line with the hadith of the Prophet is what was said by Imam Ja'far:
"Indeed the peak determination is tawadhu '." Then One asked him, "What are the signs tawadhu' it?" He replied, "Should you not happy in the majlis memuliakanmu, greet people you meet, and leave the debate even if you are in the truth. "
Respect not only to avoid people, but also away from the debate even though we are in the correct position.How to tolkshow on television?. With pride at the bottom of the camera light spray activists and intellectuals spoke-notch notched as if talking about what he considered right and occasionally insulting and blaming others. Arguing coachman to expertise.Those who mastered the rhetoric and the accentuation of nice to be the winner. Often even after the event they are asked to cronies, colleagues and friends? How did it look? Not good? And many other questions that showed his pride. This is the portrait of our nation. How can Indonesia walk forward when that happens blame. Scramble in front instead of the war, but in showing off all its capabilities, I'll be seen as someone who has the ability and quality. Not as quiet, not ideology.
Gomaa Jama'ah RahimakumullahLet us together realize that real humility tawadhu and it will not make a person become contemptible. Quite the contrary.Concerns that only appears to those who actually low quality but want to be a valuable. Explained in a hadith:

التواضع لا يزيد العبد الارفعة فتواضعوا يرفعكم الله تعالى ...
Tawadhu 'seseuatu it will not add to a person unless the value is high, then bertawadhulah you all, God will magnify ...
Gomaa Jama'ah which RahimakumullahFinally, this sermon was concluded that tawadhu not only embodied in words but also in everyday behavior. In the mix, the social interaction and in response to emerging problems.

جعلنا الله واياكم من الفائزين الامنين, وأدخلناواياكم فى عباده الصالحين. أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم. وإذ أخذنا ميثاق بني إسرائيل لا تعبدون إلا الله وبالوالدين إحسانا وذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين وقولوا للناس حسنا وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة ثم توليتم إلا قليلا منكم وأنتم معرضون.بارك الله لى ولكم فى القرآن العظيم, ونفعنى وإياكم بمافيه من آية وذكر الحكيم وتقبل الله منا ومنكم تلاوته وانه هوالسميع العليم, وأقول قولى هذا فاستغفر الله العظيم إنه هو الغفور الرحيم

source: http://www.nu.or.id/page/id/dinamic_detil/9/35297/Khotbah/Mari_Kita_Bertawadhu__Lagi.html

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