Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jama'ah prayer Law

Jama'ah prayer Law
ByUstadz Abu Asma Khalid Syamhudi
No doubt the issue of worship is at the core of Islamic teachings.Shari'ah very concerned about this issue, because it is a manifestation of one's aqeedah. And God l make it as objective the creation of man in His Word;
وماخلقت الجن والإنس إلاليعبدون
And I do not create the jinn and men but that they may worship Me. [Adh Dzariyat: 56].
Among the great and important worship is prayer. Because it is a best practice of a servant. N Prophet said,
استقيموا ولن تحصوا واعلموا أن خير أعمالكم الصلاة ولا يحافظ على الوضوء إلا مؤمن
Istiqamahlah, and you will not be able to air-istiqamah perfectly.Know the best of your deeds is prayer. And it is not keeping the ablution, except a believer. [1]
Moreover, the prayer has been required of God to the believers.So it is only fitting we pay attention to this issue. With hopes to be perfectly fulfilled.
Prayer POSITION IN ISLAMPrayer occupies a high position in Islam. Is the second pillar and serves as the pillar of religion. The Prophet said,
رأس الأمر الإسلام وعموده الصلاة
The leader of all things (religion) is Islam (syahadatain), and the poles is prayer. [2]
Shari'a throughout the apostles encourage and motivate people to perform the prayer, as God said to explain the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihissallam:
رب اجعلني مقيم الصلاة ومن ذريتي ربنا وتقبل دعآء
Yes my Lord, make me and young granddaughter, the people who establish the prayer, O Our Lord, please allow do'aku.[Ibrahim: 40].
And the story of Prophet Ismail Alaihissallam:
وكان يأمر أهله بالصلاة والزكاة وكان عند ربه مرضيا
And he sent an expert to prayer and practice regular charity, and he was a man blessed on the side of his Lord. [Maryam: 55].
Likewise break the news to the Prophet Moses Alaihissallam:
إننى أنا الله لآإله إلآأنا فاعبدني وأقم الصلاة لذكري
Indeed I was God, there is no Ilah (the right) but Me, so worship Me and establish salat to remember Me. [Ta Ha: 14].
Jesus tells Alaihissallam gained favor in the Qur'an:
وجعلني مباركا أين ماكنت وأوصاني بالصلاة والزكاة مادمت حيا
And He made me a devoted wherever I was, and he ordered me (setting up) prayers and (perform) charity as long as I live.[Maryam: 31].
In fact Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala took the Children of Israel to enforce the covenant prayer. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
وإذ أخذنا ميثاق بنى إسراءيل لا تعبدون إلا الله وبالوالدين إحسانا وذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين وقولوا للناس حسنا وأقيمو الصلاة وءاتوا الزكاة ثم توليتم إلا قليلا منكم وأنتم معرضون
And (remember) when We took a promise from the Children of Israel (ie): You shall not worship except Allah, and do good to the mother's father, kinsfolk, orphans, and poor people, and say good words to humans, establish salat and pay zakat. Then you do not fulfill that promise, except for some smaller than you, and you are always turning. [Al-Baqarah: 83].
So God ordered it to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in His Word:
وأمر أهلك بالصلاة واصطبر عليها لانسئلك رزقا نحن نرزقك والعاقبة للتقوى
And enjoin prayer on your family establish and be patient in doing it. We do not ask rizki thee, we who give rizki to you. And the consequences (good) it is for those who fear Him. [Taha: 132].
Thus a high position in the Islamic prayer, until the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam make it as a differentiator between believers and infidels. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلاة فمن تركها فقد كفر
The agreement between me and them is prayer. Whoever is left, then it has to do infidelity. [3]
Indeed, someone who left the prayer, it's easier to leave the others. Then disconnect from the connection Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Abu Bakr Ash Siddeeq He stated in a letter to Umar, "You know, the most important matters to me is prayer. Because the person who left it, it's easier to leave the others. And know, Alah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has one right at night that does not He received during the day. And one right on the day that is not He received at night. God does not accept the sunnah practice, to (someone) to fulfill the obligation. "[4]
LAW PRAYER congregationPrayer in Islam jama'ah disyari'atkan. However, the scholars disagree about the law. Disaggregated into four opinions.
First: The statute Fardhu kifayah.Similarly, this opinion of Imam Shafi'i, Abu Hanifa, jumhur scholars Syafi'iyah mutaqaddimin (previous, eds.), And many scholars and Malikiyah Hanafiyah.
Ibn Hajar Al Hafidz said, "Dzahir nash (words) Shafi'i, praying fard kifaya law. This is the opinion of scholars Syafi'iyah jumhur mutaqaddimin and many scholars and Malikiyah Hanafiyah. "[5]
Theorem-proof.First Hadith.
ما من ثلاثة في قرية ولا بدو لا تقام فيهم الصلاة إلا قد استحوذ عليهم الشيطان فعليكم بالجماعة فإنما يأكل الذئب القاصية
There are not three people in one village or countryside is not enforced in their prayers, except Syaithan will master it.Berjama'ahlah you, because wolves only prey on goats alone. [6]
As Saib said, "What is meant congregation is the congregation in prayer. [7]
Second Hadith.
ارجعوا إلى أهليكم فأقيموا فيهم وعلموهم ومروهم وصلوا كما رأيتموني أصلي فإذا حضرت الصلاة فليؤذن لكم أحدكم وليؤمكم أكبركم
Go back to your experts, and Establish the prayers on them, and teach and instruct them (to prayer). The prayer you as you see me praying. If it has come time for prayer, let one of you beradzan and the oldest to the priesthood. [8]
Third Hadith.
عن عبد الله بن عمر أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال صلاة الجماعة تفضل صلاة الفذ بسبع وعشرين درجة
From Ibn Umar that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Prayer in congregation prayer alone surpass twenty-seven degrees." [9]
Second. The statute provided, without unauthorized prayer in congregation, except with udzur.
This opinion thus Dzahiriyah and some scholars of hadith. This opinion is supported by a number of scholars, among them: Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn Aqil and Ibn Abi Musa.
Among Evidence-Dalinya, is:
First Hadith.
من سمع النداء فلم يأته فلا صلاة له إلا من عذر
Anyone who heard the call to prayer and did not come, then there is no prayer for him but because udzur. [10]
Second Hadith.
والذي نفسي بيده لقد هممت أن آمر بحطب فيحطب ثم آمر بالصلاة فيؤذن لها ثم آمر رجلا فيؤم الناس ثم أخالف إلى رجال فأحرق عليهم بيوتهم
Essence of my soul for the sake of his hand, really I was determined to ask collected firewood. Then dried (so you can easily be used as firewood). Then I ordered the prayer, then there is beradzan. Then I tell someone to lead the prayers, and I have no congregation to meet these people (men who are not in congregation), then I burn their houses. [11]
Third Hadith.
أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رجل أعمى فقال يا رسول الله إنه ليس لي قائد يقودني إلى المسجد فسأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يرخص له فيصلي في بيته فرخص له فلما ولى دعاه فقال هل تسمع النداء بالصلاة قال نعم قال فأجب
A blind man came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have no one who led me to the mosque," and then he asked for leniency to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam that allowed prayers at home. Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave him relief. When he left the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the Prophet called him directly and asked, "Did you hear the call to prayer to pray?" He replied, "Yes." Then he said, "Fill up!" [12]
Third: The statute Muakkad Sunnah.Thus this opinion and Malikiyah Hanafiyah schools. Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr menisbatkannya to most jurists Iraq, Sham and Hijaj.
First Hadith.
عن عبد الله بن عمر أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال صلاة الجماعة تفضل صلاة الفذ بسبع وعشرين درجة
From Ibn Umar that the Messenger n said, "Prayer in congregation prayer alone surpass twenty-seven degrees." [13]
Second Hadith.
إن أعظم الناس أجرا في الصلاة أبعدهم إليها ممشى فأبعدهم والذي ينتظر الصلاة حتى يصليها مع الإمام أعظم أجرا من الذي يصليها ثم ينام وفي رواية أبي كريب حتى يصليها مع الإمام في جماعة
Indeed, people who get the greatest reward of prayer is the most distant way, then the more distant. People who are waiting for the prayer to pray with the priest, greater reward than one who prays, then sleep. In the history of Abu Kuraib, (mentioned): up to pray with the priest in the congregation. [14]
Imam Ash Syaukani refuted the claim after the obligatory, "The opinion that the right and closer to the truth, (that) prayer congregation including muakkad sunna sunna-law ... The congregation prayer is fard 'ayn or kifayah or legal terms it is not prayer ".
This is confirmed by Siddeeq Hasan Khan with Her statement, "As for the obligatory jurisdiction, then their arguments are still disputed. But there are ways to compromise usul fiqh these propositions. Namely, the hadiths indicate the primacy of the congregation prayed the prayer alone. The hadiths are quite a lot.Among them:
والذي ينتظر الصلاة حتى يصليها مع الإمام أعظم أجرا من الذي يصلي وحده ثم ينام
People who are waiting for the prayer to pray with the priest, greater reward than one who prays alone then sleep. This hadeeth saheeh in the book. Also, include the hadith about a man that his prayer is wrong. N Then the Prophet ordered him to repeat his prayer, alone. Then the hadith ألا رجل يتصدق على هذا (if there is a charity to him) [15]. When he saw a person praying alone.
Among the hadiths to support this is the hadith which teaches the pillars of Islam. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not instruct people not to be taught to pray, unless the congregation. And He said to the person who stated I did not add and subtract: أفلح إن صدق (been lucky if true) and other arguments.All this can be a word pemaling He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam فلا صلاة له that exist in the hadiths that show the congregation to rescission liability perfection, not its validity. "[16]
This opinion dirajihkan by Ash Syaukani and Siddeeq Hasan Khan and Sayyid Sabiq. [17]
Fourth: The statute Mandatory 'Ain (Fardhu' Ain) and not the Terms.Similarly, this opinion of Ibn Mas'ud, Abu Musa al Asy'ariy, Atha 'ibn Abi Rabbah, Al Auza'i, Thawr, Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban, most scholars Hanafiyah and Hanbali schools.
Theses.- Arguments of the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
وإذا كنت فيهم فأقمت لهم الصلاة فلتقم طآئفة منهم معك وليأخذوا أسلحتهم فإذا سجدوا فليكونوا من ورآئكم ولتأت طآئفة أخرى لم يصلوا فليصلوا معك وليأخذوا حذرهم وأسلحتهم ود الذين كفروا لو تغفلون عن أسلحتكم وأمتعتكم فيميلون عليكم ميلة واحدة ولا جناح عليكم إن كان بكم أذى من مطر أو كنتم مرضى أن تضعوا أسلحتكم وخذوا حذركم إن الله أعد للكافرين عذابا مهينا
And if you're in the midst of them (friend), then you want to establish their prayers together, then let a party of them stand up (prayer) with thee and bear arms, then when they (who prays with you) prostration (has perfected a -raka 'at), then let them move from the rear (to face the enemy), and be came a second group that has not bershalat, then bershalatlah them with you, and let them get on standby and holding guns. Those who disbelieve wish that you careless of your arms and your things, then they attack you at once. And there is no sin for you to put your arms, if you get something hardship because of rain or because ye are ill; and ready-but take every precaution you. Verily, Allah has provided a humiliating punishment for the unbelievers that. [An Nisa ': 102].
In this verse there is a strong argument regarding the obligation of prayer in congregation. That should not be abandoned, unless there udzur, such as fear or pain.
وأقيموا الصلاة وءاتوا الزكاة واركعوا مع الراكعين
And be steadfast in prayer, give regular Charity, and ruku'lah with people who bowing. [Al-Baqarah: 43).
The above verse is a command. Said command indicates the intention obligation prayers in congregation.
في بيوت أذن الله أن ترفع ويذكر فيها اسمه يسبح له فيها بالغدو والأصال رجال لاتلهيهم تجارة ولابيع عن ذكر الله وإقام الصلاة وإيتآء الزكاة يخافون يوما تتقلب فيه القلوب والأبصار
Glorify Allah in the mosques that have been ordered to be glorified and called his name in it, in the morning and evening, men who are not neglected by the commercial and not (also) by the sale and purchase of the remembrance of Allah, establishing prayer, and pay zakat. They fear that one day (that day) the liver and the vision to be shaken. [An Nur :36-37].
قل أمر ربي بالقسط وأقيموا وجوهكم عند كل مسجد وادعوه مخلصين له الدين كمابدأكم تعودون
Say, "my Lord ordered to do justice." And (say), "Straighten your face (himself) you in every prayer and worship God with mengikhlaskan keta'atanmu Him. As He has created you at the beginning (so is) you will come back to Him. "[Al A'raf: 29].
The second paragraph above, there is a command word indicating prayer congregation obligations.
يوم يكشف عن ساق ويدعون إلى السجود فلايستطيعون خاشعة أبصارهم ترهقهم ذلة وقد كانوا يدعون إلى السجود وهم سالمون
On the day unfolded and their calves are called to prostrate; then they are not the power, (in state) their views are subject to the bottom, again they were overwhelmed with humiliation. And indeed they once were (the world) are summoned to prostrate, and those in prosperous circumstances. [Al-Qalam :42-43].
Ibn al-Qayyim said, "The pendalilannya, is Allaah punish them on the Day of Resurrection, by providing a barrier between them and bowed down, when commanded to bow down. They were ordered to prostrate themselves in the world and are reluctant to accept it. If so, then answer the call came to the mosque to attend the congregation prayer, not just implement it at home alone. "
- Evidence from the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
والذي نفسي بيده لقد هممت أن آمر بحطب فيحطب ثم آمر بالصلاة فيؤذن لها ثم آمر رجلا فيؤم الناس ثم أخالف إلى رجال فأحرق عليهم بيوتهم
For the Essence of my soul is in His hands, I was determined to ask for firewood collected, then dried (so you can easily be used as firewood). Then I ordered the prayer, then there is beradzan.Then I tell someone to lead the prayers and I have no congregation to meet these people (men who are not in congregation). Then I burn their houses. [18]
Ibn Hajar in interpreting this hadith states, "The chapter hadith (hadith above), then dhahirnya show, (that) prayers in congregation fard 'ayn. Because, if only the sunna, which certainly did not threaten to leave the (threat of) arson. Nor is it possible, for people who leave the fard kifaya, like pensyari'atan fighting those who leave the fard kifaya. "[19]
Likewise Daqiqil Ibn 'Eed states, "Scholars who argue, that the prayer in congregation legal fardhu ain argued with this hadith.Because if it is said fard kifaya, the obligation undertaken by the Prophet and the Sunnah with him and if he says, certainly never killed people who abandon the sunnah. Thus it is clear, legal congregation prayers fard 'ain. "[20]
أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رجل أعمى فقال يا رسول الله إنه ليس لي قائد يقودني إلى المسجد فسأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يرخص له فيصلي في بيته فرخص له فلما ولى دعاه فقال هل تسمع النداء بالصلاة قال نعم قال فأجب
A blind man came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I have no one who led me to the mosque," and then he asked for leniency to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam that allowed prayers at home. Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam gave him relief. When he left the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the Prophet called him directly and asked, "Did you hear the call to prayer to pray?" He replied, "Yes." Then he said, "Fill up!" [21]
After submitting hujjahnya with this hadith, Ibn Qudama said, "If the blind who do not have to drive him, not given relief, then, (a) in others more so." [22]
ما من ثلاثة في قرية ولا بدو لا تقام فيهم الصلاة إلا قد استحوذ عليهم الشيطان فعليكم بالجماعة فإنما يأكل الذئب القاصية
There are not three people in one village or countryside is not enforced in their prayers, except syaithan will master it.Berjama'ahlah you, because wolves only prey on goats alone. [23]
These texts show the necessity of prayer in congregation. This opinion by the Standing Committee dirajihkan Daa'imah Lil Buhuts wal Ifta '(Permanent Committee for Research and Fatwa Saudi Arabia) [24] and Prof. Sheikh. Dr. As Sadlan Salih bin Ghanim Al-Jama'ah prayer in his book [25]. Similarly, a number of other scholars. And Allaah knows best.
[Transcribed from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah Foundation Published 02/Tahun VII/1420H/1999M Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 08121533647, 08157579296]_______Footnote[1]. Narrated by Imam Ibn Majah, book Wa Thoharoh Sunanuha, chapter Al Wudu No. Muhafadzoh Alal. 253, No. Ahmad in musnadnya. 21 400 and 21 344 and Addarimiy in his Sunan, book of Thaharoh, Ma Ja'a fith chapter Thuhur No.653.[2]. Narrated by Attirmidziy in his Sunan, book of Al-Iman Rasulillah beer n no. 3541 and Ahmad in musnadnya no. 21 054, Attirmidziy said: "This hadeeth hasan shohih".
[3]. Narrated by At-Tirmidhi in Jami'nya (Sunan), the book of Faith beer Rasulillah n, Chapter Fi Ma Ja'a Tarki Prayer, no. 2545 and An-Nasa'i in his Sunan prayer book, Bab Al Hukmu Fi Tarikis Prayer, no. 459 with a saheeh sanad.[4]. Quoted by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo 'Fatawa, 22/40.[5]. Fathul Bari, 2 / 26.[6]. Reported by Abu Dawud in his Sunan, Book of Prayers Ash, Chapter At Tasydid Fi Tarkil Jama'ah, no. 460, An Nasa'i in his Sunan, book of Al Imamate, Fi Tasydid Chapter At Tarkil Jama'ah, no.738 and Ahmad in Musnadnya, no. 26 242.[7]. See penukilan Abu Dawud after delivering the above hadith.[8]. Narrated by Bukhari in Shahihnya, book Al Athan, Adhan Lil Bab Al Musafir Idza Kanu Jama'atan wal Iqamah Kadzalik, no.595 and Muslim in Shahihnya, book Wa Al Masajid Mawadhi 'Ash Prayer, Chapter Man Ahaqu bil Imamat, no. 1080.[9]. Narrated by Bukhari in Shahihnya, book Al Athan, Chapter Fadhlu Shalatul Jama'ah, no. 609.[10]. Narrated by Ibn Majah in his Sunan, book of wal Jama'ah Al Masajid, Chapter Takhalluf At Taghlidz Fi At 'Jama'ah Anil, no.785. Al-Albaani classed as saheeh hadeeth is in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah, no. 631.[11]. Narrated by Bukhari in Shahihnya, book Al Athan, Chapter Wujubu Shalatil Jama'ah, no. 608 and Muslim in Shahihnya, book Wa Al Masajid Mawadhi 'Prayer, Chapter Fadhlu Shalatil wa Jama'ah Bayani Tasydid At Fit Takhalluf' anha, no. 1041.[12]. Narrated by Muslim in Shahihnya, book Wa Al Masajid Mawadhi 'Prayer, Chapter Yajibu Ityanul Mosque' Ala Man Sami'a An Nida 'no. 1044.[13]. Narrated by Bukhoriy in shohihnya book Al Adzaan, Chapter Fadhlu sholatul jama'ah no. 609.[14]. Narrated by Muslim in the book Al Masaajid shohihnya Mawaadhi Wa 'Prayer, chapter Fadhlu Katsrotil Khutha Ilal Masaajid, no.1064. Narrated by Ahmad in musnadnya no. 11 380.[15]. Raudhatun Nadiyah Sharh Durarul Bahiyah, 1 / 306.[16]. Fiqh Sunnah, 1 / 248.[18]. Narrated by Bukhari in Al-Adhan Shahihnya book, Chapter Wujubu Shalatil Jama'ah, no. 608 and Muslim in Shahihnya, book Wa Al Masajid Mawadhi 'Prayer, Chapter Fadhlu Shalatil wa Jama'ah Bayani Tasydid At Fit Takhalluf' anha, no. 1041.[19]. Fathul Bari, 2 / 125.[20]. Ihkamul Ahkam, 1 / 124.[21]. Narrated by Muslim in Shahihnya, book Wa Al Masajid Mawadhi 'Prayer, Chapter Yajibu Ityanul Mosque' Ala Man Sami'a An Nida 'no. 1044.[22]. Al Mughni, 3 / 6.[23]. Reported by Abu Dawud in his Sunan, Book of Prayers Ash, Chapter At Tasydid Fi Tarkil Jama'ah, no.460, An Nasa'i in his Sunan, book of Al Imamate, Fi Tasydid Chapter At Tarkil Jama'ah, no.738 and Ahmad in Musnadnya, no. 26 242.[24]. Fataawa Lajnah Daa'imah, 7 / 283.[25]. Ibid. it. 72.

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