Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Journey to the Hereafter

Journey to the HereafterByCleric Abdullah bin al-Taslim Buthoni
Hereafter is the day after the death of truth that must be believed by everyone who believes in Allah Almighty and His religion of truth. Day was the Day of Judgement all human deeds, the calculation of a perfect day and the day ditampakkannya all hidden deeds while on earth. Also on that day those who exceed the limit will say with regret:
يقول يا ليتني قدمت لحياتي
"Duhai, it is good I would first do (good deeds) for my life." [Al-Fajr/89: 24]
So should every Muslim who put her safety actually provide great care in preparing and collecting provisions to deal with this eternal day. Because in essence, the day this is the future for real human beings. Arrival day is very fast as the fast passage of human life. Allah Almighty says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد واتقوا الله إن الله خبير بما تعملون
"O ye who believe, fear Allah and let every soul consider what he has done for the morrow (hereafter), and fear Allah, Allah is Aware of what you do" [al-Hasyr/59: 18]
In interpreting the above verse Imam Qatadah rahimahullah [1] said: "Always Rabbmu (God Almighty) closer to the day of Judgement, to the point that he makes it like tomorrow" [2].
May Allah Almighty be pleased with the noble Companions Umar radi 'anhu who have been reminded of this in the famous words: "Hisablah (introspeksilah) you now, before you are brought to account (checked / calculated charitable deeds on the Day of Resurrection). Weigh yourself now, before charitable deeds weighed (on the Day of Resurrection), for surely it would be easy for you to face the Day of Judgement if you introspect yourself today; and adorn yourself with pious charity to face the big day when humans exposed to the Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty says:
يومئذ تعرضون لا تخفى منكم خافية
"On that day you are confronted (to Allah), there is nothing hidden from your situation (for Him)" [al-Hâqqah/69: 18] [3]
In line with the above speech, Ali ibn Abi Talib radi 'anhu said: "Surely the world has left us, while the afterlife has come to us, and each of them (and Hereafter) has an admirer, so be ye men who admire / loves the hereafter and do not become people who admire the world, for surely now time to charity and no calculation, as for tomorrow in the hereafter is the time of calculation and there is no time left to act "[4].
"YOU WILL BE LIKE A STRANGER IN THE WORLD ..."The world is a temporary haven and as a field where hereafter we collect food for the journey toward the eternal country. Anyone who collects enough stock, so with the permission of Allah Almighty he will get to its destination safely, and whoever his lunch less then feared he would not get to the destination.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam taught the right attitude in life in the world with his saying: "Be ye in the world like a stranger or a person who was traveling" [5]
This hadith as advice for believers, how should he put himself in the life of the world. Because foreigners (immigrants) or people who are traveling are people who only stay a while; not tied her to the place of sojourn, and continue to miss returning to his hometown. Thus the state of a believer in the world whose heart, always bound and longing to return home the truth, that is heaven's first shelter both our parents, Adam Alaihissallam and his wife Eve, before they both descended into the world.
In a written advice given by Imam Hasan al-Basri rahimahullah to Imam Umar bin Abdul Aziz rahimahullah, he said: "... Indeed, the world is a country overseas and not the actual place of residence, and only Adam Alaihissallam lowered into the world to receive the punishment inflicted sins ... "[6].
In this case reveals the meaning of Ibn al-Qayyim said in his verse rahimahullah:Let (us to) heaven 'Eden (a place to stay)because actually that'sOur first shelter, which intent contained therein (the beautiful)But we (now in) enemy prisoner(Satan), then what you seeWe will (can) go back to my hometownus safely? [7]
This attitude makes life a believer not wishful thinking long and too lofty to live a life of the world, because "anyone who lives in the world like a stranger, then he has no desire except to prepare provisions that benefit him when he returned to the netherworld.He was not ambitious and competing with people who pursue the world of luxury, because it was like nomads, ie do not feel troubled by poverty and low position. "[8].
This is hinted at 'Abdullah bin' Umar: "If you are in the evening so do not wait for the morning, and if you erada in the morning so do not wait for the evening. Use the health before your pain coming period, and period of your life before fetch death "[9].
In fact this is the meaning of the ascetic in the real world, as the saying of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal rahimahullah: "Its meaning is no longer wishful thinking, someone who when in the morning he said:" I'm afraid will not be able to reach the evening anymore "" [10].
"BERBEKALLAH, AND TRULY IS the best of provisions piety"The best food for the journey to the Hereafter is piety, which means "to make a cushion between themselves a servant with the punishment and wrath of Almighty God who feared would befall him, namely (a) doing immoral deeds and stay away from obedience to Him" ​​[11] .
So according to the circumstances of a servant in the world in doing obedience to Allah Almighty and leave immoral deeds, as well as the situation in the hereafter. The more he does good in the world will more and more also good to be in raihnya in the next, which means the greater the chances of reaching salvation to heaven.
This is among the meanings implied by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in his saying: "Everyone will be resurrected (on the Day of Judgement) in accordance with the situation when he died" [12]. That means he will get a reply on the day of resurrection later in accordance with good or bad deeds done while in the world [13].
The main runway is two sentences piety creed: la ilaha illallah and Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, the best of provisions that need to be prepared to survive in this big trip is purifying Tawheed (Oneness of Allah Almighty in worship and shirk away) which is the core meaning of la ilaha illallah creed and perfecting al ittibâ '(following the Sunnah Prophetsallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and away from the act of heresy) which is the core meaning of the creed of Muhammad the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam.
Allah Almighty will make it easier for humans in the face of major events that will happen to them on the Day of Judgement, in accordance with their understanding and practice of these two main foundation of Islam as the world.
Trials of faith in the grave is the first major event that will be experienced by humans after his death. They will be asked by the two angels Munkar and Nakir [14] with three questions: "Who is your Lord?, What is your religion? And who is your prophet? "[15]. Almighty God only promises convenience and steadfastness of faith when facing a big test this for people who understand and practice these two Islamic foundation properly, so they will answer: "My Lord is Allah Almighty, my religion is Islam and the prophets is Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "[16]
Allah Almighty says:
يثبت الله الذين آمنوا بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة ويضل الله الظالمين ويفعل الله ما يشاء
Affirming God (faith) those who believe with 'unwavering words' in the life of the world and the Hereafter, and Allah to mislead people who dzalim and perpetrate what He wills "[Ibrâhim/14: 27]
Meaning of 'greeting a firm' in this verse is interpreted by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in Saheeh al-Bara' bin 'âzib radi' anhu, that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "A Muslim, when asked in the tomb (by the angels Munkar and Nakir) then he will testify that there is no true worship except God (la ilaha illallah) and that Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah (Prophet Muhammad), that's the meaning of his words: "God affirmed ( faith of) those who believe with 'unwavering words' in the life of the world and the Hereafter "[17]
Including major events on the Day of Judgement is to go to the lake Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam full of glory, the color of its water is whiter than milk, sweeter than honey taste, and smell more fragrant than the fragrance Misk (musk), anyone who drank from it once then he will not be thirsty forever [18]. In a saheeh hadith [19] also mentioned that there are those men who barred and expelled from the lake Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam this. That's because when they turned the world of clues and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and plunged into the problem of heresy.
Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr rahimahullah [20] said: "All persons who are not committing heresy Allah Almighty blessed in this religion will be expelled from the lake Rasululah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. The most severe among them are the people (Ahl-ul-bid'ah) which menyelisihi understanding of the congregation of the Muslims, like the Kharijites, Shi'ites, and the followers Râfidhah passions. Similarly, those men who do the transgressors and wrongdoers against the truth, as well as people who do major sins openly. They all feared including those mentioned in this hadith (who was expelled from the lake Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) [21].
Including major events on the Day of Resurrection are ash-Shirâth crossing (bridge) which is spread over the surface of the Hell Jahannam, in between the surges and hell. In a saheeh hadith [22] stated that the circumstances of people who crossed the bridge vary; according to their deeds while on earth. "There is a pass through as quickly as a wink, there is a lightning-fast, some are like the wind, there is a tight race as fast as a horse, there are as fast as riding camels, some running, some walking, some crawling, and there is struck with a hook iron and cast into the Fire Jahannam "[23] - na'ûdzu billahi min dâlik -.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-'Utsaimîn rahimahullah when explaining differences in state of people crossing the bridge, said: "This is all not on the choice of each person, as if by his own choice of course everyone wants to cross it quickly. However, the human condition while crossing in accordance with the fast or slow they are to receive and adopt the Islamic law in the world.Those who hasten in receiving instruction and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then he will quickly cross it.Instead he who is slow in this case, then he will slowly pass through; as a reply in kind, and return it in accordance with the type of actions "[24].
"A GOOD END replies (HEAVEN) FOR PEOPLE who are righteous"Finally, the way people will arrive at the tip; paradise of bliss, or a hell filled with a painful torment. This is where Allah Almighty will reward perfect for humans according to their deeds in the world.Allah Almighty says:
فأما من طغى وآثر الحياة الدنيا فإن الجحيم هي المأوى وأما من خاف مقام ربه ونهى النفس عن الهوى فإن الجنة هي المأوى
"As for those who exceed the limits, and prefer the life of the world, then surely Fire shelter (it). As for those who fear the greatness of his Lord and refrain from the desire desires, verily surgalah residence "[an Nâzi'ât / 79:37-41]
Then the final response is good only Allah Almighty reserved for people who are cautious and equip themselves with obedience to Him, and stay away from actions that deviate from his religion.Allah Almighty says:
تلك الدار الآخرة نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علوا في الأرض ولا فسادا والعاقبة للمتقين
"The country's Hereafter, We made for people who do not want to brag and do mischief (immoral) in (front) of the earth, and the sequel (which is good) it (Paradise) is for those who fear Allah" [al-Qasas / 28:83]
Sheikh Abdur-Rahman as-Sa'di rahimahullah said: "... If they have no desire to boast or sinner on earth, it means they are only drawn wish to God Almighty. Their purpose is only to prepare food for the afterlife, and their circumstances when the world was always humble themselves to God's servants; and always adhere to the truth and do righteous deeds. They are the righteous people who will get a good final return (Paradise of Allahk). "[25]
CLOSINGAfter contemplating the stages of this journey, let us ask ourselves: have we prepare enough stock to survive the trip? If the answer is: not yet, then do not despair, there is still time to improve itself and improve our weaknesses - with the permission of Allah Almighty - Way, made haste to return and repent to God k, and multiply the remaining life of pious charity we are still there.And all it will be easy for people who are God k taufik and convenience for him.
Fudhail Imam ibn 'Iyâdh rahimahullah [26] never advised anyone man, he said: "How many years old are you"? The man replied: "Sixty years." Fudhail rahimahullah said: "That ye be sixty-year journey to Allah Almighty, and maybe you're almost there". The man replied: "Verily we belong to Allah Almighty and will return to Him." So Fudhail rahimahullah said: "Do you understand the meaning of your words? You say that I belong to God Almighty and will return to Him; anyone who realizes that he is the servant of God Almighty and will return to Him, then he should know that he will stand before Him on the Day of Resurrection Anyone who knows that he will stand before Him, then he should know that he would be held accountable for all actions in the world. Anyone who knows will be held accountable (for the offense), then he should prepare the answer ". Then he asked: "So how to save themselves when it?" Fudhail rahimahullah replied: "It's easy".The man asked again: "What's that?" Fudhail rahimahullah said: "Amend yourselves on the rest of your life, then God Almighty will forgive your sins in the past, because if you still do poorly on the rest of your life, then you will be tortured (on day Judgement) because of your sins in the past and the rest of thy life "[27].
Finally, we close this paper with a prayer from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam [28] for the good of religion, our world and the hereafter:
O Allah, fix my religion which is the determinant of (good) all of my business, and reform (business) which is where my life my world, as well as mend hereafter, which is where my return (forever), make (future) as an addition to the good life for me, and (make)death as a barrier to me from all evils.
City of the Prophet sallallaahu a'alaihi wa Sallam, 20 Shafar 1430 HAbdullah bin al-Taslim Buthoni
[Copied from magazines Sunnah 03/Tahun XIII/1430H/2009M Edition. Published Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl.Solo - Solo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondanrejo 57 183 Tel.0271-858197 Fax 0271-858197]_______Footnote[1]. Qatadah bin As-Sadûsi Di'âmah Al-Basri (d. after 110 H), is the high priest of the Tabi highly reliable and robust in the hadeeth narrated the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (see the book "Taqrîbut Tahdheeb", p. . 409).[2]. Rahimahullah quoted by Ibn al-Qayyim in his book "Ighâtsatul lahfân" (p. 152-Mawâridul safe).[3]. Narrated by Imam Ahmad in his book "Az Zuhd" (p. 120), with a hasan chain of transmission.[4]. Narrated by Imam Ahmad in "Az Zuhd" (p. 130) and quoted by Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali in his book "Jâmi'ul 'wal ulûmi hikam" (p. 461).[5]. HR al-Bukhari (no. 6053).[6]. Rahimahullah quoted by Ibn al-Qayyim in his book "Ighâtsatul Lahfân" (p. 84 - Mawâridul safe).[7]. Miftâhu legendary Sa'adah (1/9-10), also quoted by Ibn Rajab in his book "Jâmi'ul 'Ulûmi Wal Hikam" (p. 462).[8]. Speech of Imam Ibn Rajab in the book "Jâmi'ul 'Ulûmi Wal Hikam" (p. 461), with minor adjustments.[9]. Narrated by Imam al-Bukhari in the book 'Saheeh al-Bukhaari "(no. 6053).[10]. Quoted by Ibn Rajab in the book "Jâmi'ul 'Ulûmi Wal Hikam" (p. 465).[11]. Speech of Imam Ibn Rajab in the book "Jâmi'ul 'Ulûmi Wal Hikam" (p. 196).[12]. Reported by Muslim (no. 2878).[13]. See explanation in the book of al-Munâwi he "Faidhul Qadir" (6 / 457).[14]. As mentioned in the hadeeth of history at-Tirmidhi (no. 1083) and declared saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani in "Ash-Saheehah" (no. 1391).(15) saheeh hadeeth reported by Ahmad (4/287-288), Abu Dawood (no. 4753) and al-Hakim (1/37-39), declared Saheeh by al-Hakim and agreed upon by adh-Dzahabi.[16]. Ibid.[17]. Bukhari (no. 4422), which convey the same hadith is also narrated by Imam Muslim (no. 2871).[18]. All this is mentioned in the saheeh ahaadeeth Imam al-Bukhari history (no. 6208) and Muslim (no. 2292).[19]. History of Imam al-Bukhari (no. 6211) and Muslim (no. 2304) from Anas ibn Malik rahimahullah.[20]. Yusuf bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul-Barr Namari An Al-Andalusi (d. 463 H), is Shaykh al-Islam and the Imam of the Ahlus Sunnah of the Maghrib. His biography in the book "Tadzkiratul huffâzh" (3 / 1128).[21]. The Book "Sharh Az-Zarqâni 'Ala-Il priestly Muwatta Malik" (1 / 65).[22]. History of imam al-Bukhari (no. 7001) and Muslim (no. 183) from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi 'anhu.[23]. Greeting Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah in his book "Al-Aqeedah Al Wâsithiyyah" (p. 20).[24]. The Book "Syarhul Aqîdatil Wâsithiyyah" (2 / 162).[25]. Taisîrul karîmir Rahman fi tafsîri kalâmil Mannan (p. 453).[26]. Fudhail ibn Mas'ud bin Iyâdh At-Tamimi (d. 187 H), is a high priest from among atba'ut Tabi very reliable in the hadeeth narrated the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and an expert of worship (see the book " Taqrîbut Tahdheeb "p.. 403).[27]. Quoted by Imam Ibn Rajab in the book "Jâmi'ul 'Ulûmi Wal Hikam" (p. 464).[28]. In Muslim (no. 2720) from the Companions Abu Hurayrah.

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