Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Purification - Hadath

Purification - Hadath
Hadath in language means something that comes or happens.Hadath in terms of the Shari'ah means something that happens in the body that cause an invalid ritual.
It is divided into small and hadath hadath large.Small Hadath is something that invalidate wudhu.Large Hadath is a matter that requires a bath.
Because Hadath and effect
Because small hadath is that nullified ablution. The effect of the invalidation of a small berhadath wudhu 'and forbidden to do the following:
Prayer whether obligatory or voluntary, and other similar practices as prostrating tilawah, prostrate gratitude, the Friday sermon and prayer.
Tawaf Kaaba, whether obligatory or voluntary as punishable as a prayer.
Holding and touching all parts of the Qur'an or in part only though a verse.
Large hadath reason is unclean, out menstruation or childbirth and childbirth. When a large berhadath as unclean, then he is forbidden to do the following:
Prayer whether obligatory or voluntary, and other similar practices as prostrating tilawah, prostrate gratitude, the Friday sermon and prayer.
Tawaf Kaaba, whether obligatory or voluntary as punishable as a prayer.
Holding and touching all parts of the Qur'an or in part only though a verse.
Reading the Qur'an with the intention of reading it, except with the intention of remembrance, prayer, praising God and start something or in order to teach.
Beri'tikaf in the mosque.
When a large berhadath as menstruation and childbirth leave, he was banned to do the following:
Prayer whether obligatory or voluntary, and other similar practices as prostrating tilawah, prostrate gratitude, the Friday sermon and prayer.
Of fasting.
Tawaf Kaaba, whether obligatory or voluntary as punishable as a prayer.
Holding and touching all parts of the Qur'an or in part only though a verse.
Reading the Qur'an with the intention of reading it, except with the intention of remembrance, prayer, praising God and start something or in order to teach.
In, sit down and beri'tikaf in the mosque even with wudhu '.Intercourse.Talaq.
How to Eliminate Hadath
To remove the small hadath is to make wudu 'or TAYAMMUM when unable to perform ablution. To remove hadath is by bathing or bertayammum instead of baths.

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